Change Your Locks

How to Change Your Locks When You Are Moving to a New House

Signing the papers for a new home is one of the most exciting things you can do. During all the excitement and chaos of closing on a new home, there is one very important thing you can’t forget to do: change the locks. Before you do anything else, your priority should be to look for reliable lock change services York, as security comes before anything else.

At the closing, you get the keys to your new home, but you don’t know how many copies the previous owners made or how many are still out there. Because of this, it’s important to change the locks. A professional locksmith can get the job done quickly and safely, so you can focus on other things.

Change your locks when you move into your new home

There is a lot on mind when you move into a new house. In the chaos and busy day of moving things, it’s normal to forget the most important task of changing the locks of your new house. When getting a locksmith to change your locks on a new or new-to-you home, there are a few things to think about.

Plan to change the locks

Setting up a time to change your locks in advance can save you both time and money. By calling ahead, the locksmith can get the new locks ready and make new keys before we come to change them. Getting the locks and keys ready at the shop is often faster and cheaper than doing the work on-site.

Wait a day after the store closes

Most new homeowners want to change their door locks as soon as possible, but we suggest they wait until the day after closing to make the appointment.  It’s not unusual for people to take longer when problems come up. To make sure the deal is done, it’s best to set up the locksmith service for the day after closing.

Have the necessary information you should have

Here’s a look at the information you should give the locksmith when you call him. This will help the process go more quickly.

Several locks: How many doors does the house have to get in? Think about the side and back doors, the sliding doors, and the garage. It’s important to know the number of doors that need a new lock.

Lock Style: What brand of locks are on the doors? You need to check the door material and decide the style of locks best suited for them.

Budget: Need a cheaper way to do something? Are the keys only being passed over for a short time? Instead of replacing the locks, you might want to just change the keys.

Security: Is the home’s security good enough the way it is now? If not, ask the locksmith to suggest a solution that will work for your home. This could mean putting in deadbolts or getting a smarter home security system. You can easily hire a locksmith to change the locks on your new home or for uPVC Door Repair York if you have this information ready.

Contact your Local Locksmith

If you’ve closed on a house or are about to, you should give yourself a big pat on the back. Closing is just the beginning. After the papers are signed and the keys are handed over, there is still a lot to do. Locksmith York can make your life easier by providing you with the most appropriate Lock Change Services York in a timely and effective way. Call now to book a slot for your lock change!


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