Our Services



House Move

When you move into a new house or flat, it's a very good idea to change the locks. This is because you cannot know who has keys or copies of keys to your new home. It doesn't have to be expensive

Upvc Door Repair

If you are having to ‘force’ your door mechanism then something may be wrong.Calling us earlier rather than later will often save you money in the long term.


Both locksmiths and thieves can tell at a glance how secure your locks are. I am happy to give free advice to help you.


Composite and uPVC doors often have a multipoint locking system. Our experienced locksmiths are able to fix, repair or (if necessary) replace most multipoint locking systems. If the door is becoming difficult or 'stiff'.


Composite doors are more rigid than uPVC doors and are increasingly popular. They can be an attractive and secure option; but do bear in mind that the actual lock (where the key goes into) is the only functional point of security. Having poor quality locks even in a new composite door can leave your house insurance invalid and your home vulnerable to burglary.

Stuck uPVC door

If your uPVC or composite door has become stuck do not fear! A good locksmith will be able to open and repair it, meaning that you shouldn't need to buy a new door. In most cases the working parts can be refreshed, repaired or replaced at a much lower cost than a replacement door.

Our technicians are equipped with the latest modern technology and are available 24/7 at your request.